



  1. 完成免费的 应用程序.
  2. 提交你的官方成绩单.
  3. 审查特定课程的申请要求.
  4. 如果申请双学位, 您必须单独提交两个项目的申请和材料.

如果你有任何问题,请打电话 504-865-3240 或电子邮件 gradamit@azarnewsonline.com to speak with someone from our 研究生 招生 Team who can walk you through the admissions process.



为了符合研究生项目的资格, applicants must have a bachelor's degree or international equivalent from a regularly accredited 机构. Applicants enrolled in the final year of a bachelor's degree or international equivalent can be considered for provisional admissions at the department's discretion. 

要查看入学要求, 点击这里.

All admissions questions and information related to this program should be directed to Hayley Everitt in the School of 护理 at heeverit@azarnewsonline.com.



  1. 至少2.5 .本科累计GPA.
  2. 目前简历,包括相关工作经验.
  3. 目的陈述(600-1200字,双倍行距):
    • 是什么促使你继续学习, 你认为它如何帮助你在当前或未来的事工中成长? Or, 为那些不认为自己在服事的人, how do you think it can help you explore faith and its implications for the Church and world today?
    • You may include anything about yourself that you believe would assist us in evaluating your work, 学术和部委背景, as well as aid in assessing your ability to engage in a graduate-level ministry program.
  4. 两份专业推荐.
    • 推荐人应该是在工作中观察过你的人, 部长级, 或者教育环境.

申请研究生学分的证书学生: 如果你想获得研究生学分证书, you are required to submit official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended, 获得学士学位的证明.



Applicants need to meet academic requirements for each of the three partner schools to be able to gain admission and earn each degree. 请注意,申请LMU有特殊要求. 所有本科学位必须在入学前由ANABIN认证.


  1. $50申请费(豁免).
  2. 所有参加的学院和大学的正式成绩单.
  3. 学士学位证书复印件.
  4. 官方GMAT或GRE成绩(可选)
  5. 目前简历,包括相关工作经验.
  6. 目的陈述(400字)解决以下问题:
    • 你为什么想攻读全球MBA -三硕士学位?
    • How do you think the triple master degree program will enhance your academic/professional background?
    • 是什么让你成为理想的候选人?
  7. 网上面试(与部门预约).
  8. 2封专业推荐信.

The 商学院 may request admission interviews from any applicant to any graduate business program.


  • 优先截止日期:5月15日
  • 常规截止日期:6月30日

全球MBA项目每年秋季学期招生. Our cohort model allows students to star with and graduate with their same classmates, 加强学生之间的网络和友谊.


  • Must also submit an affidavit of support showing sufficient funds to finance their course of student and living expenses: 全球MBA -支持表格宣誓书.
  • 官方 托福考试, 雅思考试, or Duolingo 成绩报告必须与及格分数一起发送. 有关此要求的更多细节可以找到 在这里.
  • A translated copy of academic records (transcripts) is required for applicants who attended or completed their bachelor's degree and/or master's degree outside of the United States. 申请人可以通过以下方式申请成绩单评估 韦斯, ECE,或使用我们的合作伙伴关系 SpanTran.
  • 来自中国或越南的申请者必须提交aps证书.


要查看入学要求, 点击这里.

All admissions questions and information related to this program should be directed to the 法律 招生 Team at 504-861-5550 or ladmit@azarnewsonline.com.


要查看入学要求, 点击这里.

All admissions questions and information related to this program should be directed to the 法律 招生 Team at 504-861-5550 or ladmit@azarnewsonline.com.



  1. 本科非学历.
  2. 最年轻的3.0本科累计GPA.
  3. 所有参加的学院和大学的正式成绩单.
  4. 目前简历,包括相关工作经验.
  5. 目的声明(一页),说明以下问题:
    • 你为什么想在洛约拉大学攻读硕士学位?
    • 你有哪些技能和经验能反映出你对教学的热情?
  6. 三封专业推荐信.
  7. 官方通过PRAXIS I考试成绩达到国家认证要求 (可选).



  1. $50申请费 (放弃).
  2. 所有参加的学院和大学的正式成绩单.
  3. 官方GMAT或GRE成绩 (可选).
  4. 目前简历,包括相关工作经历.
  5. 目的陈述(400字)解决以下问题:
    • 你认为MBA会如何提升你的学术/专业背景?
    • 你希望通过在洛约拉攻读MBA实现什么样的期望?
    • 你会给这个项目带来什么?
  6. 两份专业推荐.

The 商学院 may request admission interviews from any applicant to any graduate business program.



  • 秋季:国际学生6月30日或5月15日.
  • 春季:国际学生11月30日或10月15日.


  • Must also submit an affidavit of support showing sufficient funds to finance their course of student and living expenses: 全球MBA -支持表格宣誓书.
  • 官方 托福考试, 雅思考试, or Duolingo 成绩报告必须与及格分数一起发送. 有关此要求的更多细节可以找到 在这里.
  • A translated copy of academic records (transcripts) is required for applicants who attended or completed their bachelor's degree and/or master's degree outside of the United States. 申请人可以通过以下方式申请成绩单评估 韦斯, ECE,或使用我们的合作伙伴关系 SpanTran.



  1. 本科音乐学位.
  2. 所有参加的学院和大学的正式成绩单.
  3. 目前简历,包括相关工作经验.
  4. 目的陈述(400字以内):
    • How do you think a Masters in Music Performance will enhance your academic/professional background?
    • What expectations do you hope to realize by earning a Master in Music Performance at Loyola?
    • 你能为音乐表演硕士项目带来什么?
  5. 三封专业推荐信.
  6. 成功完成一次试镜.


研究生 applicants for Music Performance and Music Therapy (including Equivalency students) must complete an audition per the repertoire requirements for your voice type or primary instrument. 申请者可提交视频媒体或亲自试镜. 查看海选和曲目要求, 点击这里.


  • Must also submit an affidavit of support showing sufficient funds to finance their course of student and living expenses: MM - Affidavit of Support Form.
  • 官方 托福考试, 雅思考试, or Duolingo 成绩报告必须与及格分数一起发送. 有关此要求的更多细节可以找到 在这里.
  • A translated copy of academic records (transcripts) is required for applicants who attended or completed their bachelor's degree and/or master's degree outside of the United States. 申请人可以通过以下方式申请成绩单评估 韦斯, ECE,或使用我们的合作伙伴关系 SpanTran.



  1. 本科音乐专业或相关专业,辅修音乐专业.
  2. 所有参加的学院和大学的正式成绩单.
  3. 目前简历,包括相关工作经验.
  4. 目的陈述(400字以内):
    • How do you think a Masters in Music Therapy will enhance your academic/professional career?
    • 你希望通过成为洛约拉大学研究生课程的一部分获得什么?
    • 你会给音乐治疗硕士课程带来什么?
  5. 两封专业推荐人的推荐信.
  6. 成功完成一次试镜.


研究生 applicants for Music Performance and Music Therapy (including Equivalency students) must complete an audition per the repertoire requirements for your voice type or primary instrument. 申请者可提交视频媒体或亲自试镜. 查看海选和曲目要求, 点击这里.


  • Must also submit an affidavit of support showing sufficient funds to finance their course of student and living expenses: MM - Affidavit of Support Form.
  • 官方 托福考试, 雅思考试, or Duolingo 成绩报告必须与及格分数一起发送. 有关此要求的更多细节可以找到 在这里.
  • A translated copy of academic records (transcripts) is required for applicants who attended or completed their bachelor's degree and/or master's degree outside of the United States. 申请人可以通过以下方式申请成绩单评估 韦斯, ECE,或使用我们的合作伙伴关系 SpanTran.



  1. 至少2.5 .本科累计GPA.
  2. 所有参加的学院和大学的正式成绩单.
  3. 目前简历,包括相关工作经验.
  4. 目的陈述(600-1200字,双倍行距)回答以下问题:
    • 是什么促使你继续学习, 你认为它如何帮助你在当前或未来的事工中成长? Or, 为那些不认为自己在服事的人, how do you think it can help you explore faith and its implications for the Church and world today?
    • You may include anything about yourself that you believe would assist us in evaluating your work, 学术和部委背景, as well as aid in assessing your ability to engage in a graduate-level ministry program.
  5. 两份专业推荐.
    • 推荐人应该是在工作中观察过你的人, 部长级, 或者教育环境.


  • Must also submit an affidavit of support showing sufficient funds to finance their course of student and living expenses: MPS/MRE - Affidavit of Support Form.
  • 官方 托福考试, 雅思考试, or Duolingo 成绩报告必须与及格分数一起发送. 有关此要求的更多细节可以找到 在这里.
  • A translated copy of academic records (transcripts) is required for applicants who attended or completed their bachelor's degree and/or master's degree outside of the United States. 申请人可以通过以下方式申请成绩单评估 韦斯, ECE,或使用我们的合作伙伴关系 SpanTran.



  1. 至少3.0 cumulative undergraduate GPA in the last 60 hours of coursework (Applicants below this requirement may be considered for conditional admission).
  2. 所有参加的学院和大学的正式成绩单.
  3. 官方GMAT或GRE成绩.
    • 成绩为3分的申请人.0 cumulative GPA or higher or who already have a graduate degree are not required to take the GRE exam.
    • 2级以上申请人.9级及以下必须参加GRE考试. We recommend a combination score of 300 or above (applicants scoring lower may be considered for conditional admission).
  4. 目前简历,包括相关工作经验.
  5. 目的声明(1-3页):
    • 你的教育目标;
    • 以及希望在洛约拉攻读咨询学位的原因.
  6. 三封专业推荐信.

Qualified applicants will be contacted once all 应用程序 materials have been reviewed to schedule:

  • An in-person writing sample; and
  • An in-person individual and group interview (virtual interviews are reserved for international applicants only).


  • 提前决定截止日期:12月1日
  • 截止日期:3月1日(可提供临时报名名额)

理学硕士每年秋季学期招生. Our cohort model allows students to start with and graduate with their same classmates, 加强学生之间的网络和友谊.



  1. 美国认可的大学本科学位.年代的机构.
  2. 所有参加的学院和大学的正式成绩单.
  3. 目前简历,包括相关工作经验.


Pre - Health PB证书申请人必须提交以下材料:

  1. 美国认可的大学本科学位.S. 机构.
  2. 至少2.本科累计GPA 75 (most competitive applicants have an average GPA of 3.0或更高,但满足最低要求的申请人将被彻底审查).
  3. 所有参加的学院和大学的正式成绩单.
  4. 目前简历,包括相关工作经历(1-2页).
  5. 建议具有医疗保健经验,但并非入学要求.
  6. 目的陈述(400字)解决以下问题:
    • 谈谈你自己,包括你的健康前目标.
    • 这个项目将如何帮助你进一步实现你的前健康目标?
    • Discuss any relevant meaningful experiences, particularly experience in the healthcare field. 
  7. 一封专业推荐人的推荐信.
    • The letter should be from a former or current professor whose class you have complete, or a professional who served in a supervisory capacity for you and can attest to your work ethic and promise in the medical field.



夏季入学 秋季入学申请 春季入学








*因为录取是滚动的, admissions may close prior to the posted final deadline dates due to the size of the incoming class. 我们鼓励你尽早申请. Applications submitted for the desired entry term by the priority deadline offers applicants the broadest range of course enrollment options. 那些等待最后期限的人面临着有限的课程可用性. 

如果以上的截止日期是在周末, 申请必须在下个星期一之前收到. 申请当然会在截止日期之前被接受.



  • Must also submit an affidavit of support showing sufficient funds to finance their course of student and living expenses: PHPB - Affidavit of Support Form.
  • 官方 托福考试, 雅思考试, or Duolingo 成绩报告必须与及格分数一起发送. 有关此要求的更多细节可以找到 在这里.
  • A translated copy of academic records (transcripts) is required for applicants who attended or completed their bachelor's degree and/or master's degree outside of the United States. 申请人可以通过以下方式申请成绩单评估 韦斯, ECE,或使用我们的合作伙伴关系 SpanTran.



  1. 本科音乐学位.
  2. 至少2.本科累计GPA 75.
  3. 音乐本科课程成绩C及以上.
  4. 所有参加的学院和大学的正式成绩单.
  5. 目前简历,包括相关工作经验.
  6. 个人陈述(一页),回答以下问题:
    • 为什么你想追求音乐ED PB认证在洛约拉?
    • 你完成课程的职业目标是什么?
  7. 官方ACT或SAT考试成绩.
  8. 正式通过PRAXIS I考试和PRAXIS II(音乐内容区)考试成绩.



Applicants must submit official transcripts from all previously attended colleges and universities. Application decisions can be made based on unofficial transcripts; however, 正式录取前需要提供正式成绩单.

正式成绩单可以通过电子邮件发送到 gradadmit@azarnewsonline.com 或邮寄至:

6363 St. 查尔斯大街
新奥尔良,LA 70118

所有通过邮件收到的纸质成绩单必须在原件上盖章, unopened envelope from the 机构 w在这里 the coursework was completed for the transcript to be considered official. Electronic transcripts are considered official if sent directly from the 机构 or transcript service (e.g.,国家学生信息交换中心,羊皮纸,手稿保险箱).